Since the time I can remember, my mother’s spring salad mixes with baby greens cut straight out of her ‘hotbed’ were such a refreshing treat after a long, cold Michigan winter. Along with the lettuce, she would usually have some tender, spicy scallions to throw into her homemade mustard-mayo dressing she would whip-up quickly in the kitchen. Typically, there would be an accompaniment of boiled potatoes and butter to nosh on with the greens. And, there my friends you would have it – LUNCH!
Somethings never change, including one of my all time favorite meals of fresh spring greens from the garden. However, with time I’ve come to realize the magical wonder of honey, lime, olive oil, and fresh herbs in the creation of magnificent dressings or vinaigrettes drizzled over fresh lettuce. Honey, lime, olive oil, and fresh herbs are THE magical FOUR ingredients. You just can’t go wrong with those staples – try it yourself. Mix a little more of this herb or that herb and play around with just a couple herbs or a LOT of herbs. Here I share a simple Garlic-Mint Vinaigrette that is sure to be a savory and refreshing treat! Don’t you just love the first signs and tastes of summer?!
Salad Ingredients
- 4-6 cups tender lettuce, such as baby spinach, butter, or kale
- 4 warm, hard or soft boiled eggs
- 1/2 cup of almonds, chopped or slivered
- 2 green onions, chopped
- 1/3 cup of kalamata olives
Garlic-Mint Vinaigrette Ingredients
- 1/2 cup lime juice
- 2 tablespoons of fruity honey, such as clover
- 1/4 cup of mint, finely minced
- 3 large garlic cloves
- 1 tsp ground cumin
- 1/2 tsp ground black pepper
- 1/2 tsp dried oregano
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/2 cup olive oil

- Prep and wash greens; chop eggs, almonds, green onions, and olives. Set aside.

- Whisk together lime juice, honey, mint, garlic, cumin, oregano, pepper, and salt. Slowly pour in the oil while continuing to whisk. Honey is an excellent emulsifier.

- When ready to serve, combine salad ingredients in bowl, add vinaigrette and toss together. Add just enough vinaigrette to lightly coat the greens.

Soft-boiled eggs with a warm yolk drizzle are also super yummy in this salad. We always enjoy warm eggs on top of fresh greens. There’s something about the temperature contrast that makes it feel a little ‘meatier’ and satisfying for a meal. The vinaigrette will keep for 2 days when refrigerated, but you shouldn’t lack inspiration to eat up this tasty condiment with your favorite salad! Delight!

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