Ayano Matsumae, a native of Tokushima, Japan, shares her homemade Japanese soybean dishes, featuring traditional recipes like ‘Zouni’ miso soup and vegan simmered soybeans. Living in the US, she inspires others with her culinary skills and photography. Her creations include Gomoku-mame, Chirashi-zushi, and vegan simmered soybeans with hijiki seaweed. Explore her slow-process photographic artworks at ayanophoto.com. For recipe sharing, contact Virginia at virginia@firefly-fields.com.
The post discusses different types of chefs – the Savory Chef, Pastry Chef, and Food Blogger, each with unique approaches to cooking. It argues for a more liberal approach to cooking with trust in one’s instincts. It also touches on personal experiences with soybeans and invites readers to ponder their experiences in the kitchen.
Firefly Fields has embarked on a fulfilling five-year journey with organic soybeans, celebrating their versatility and nutritional benefits. From cultivating friendships with like-minded individuals like Norah, the “Tempeh Temptress,” to discovering the rich history and culinary traditions of soybeans, the team eagerly anticipates further exploration and experimentation with soy-based dishes in 2024.
The post raves about homemade pizza, highlighting the pleasure and cost-effectiveness of making it at home. A simple wholegrain pizza crust recipe with optional toppings is shared, along with tips for a heartburn-friendly version. The recipe includes yeast, water, honey, flour, olive oil, and salt. Various flour options are suggested.
World Bee Day is a time to appreciate the vital role of bees in our ecosystem. Firefly Honey celebrates by offering pre-orders for their exceptional organic honey. Their focus on high-quality, varietal honey and sustainable agricultural practices sets them apart. Customers can also look forward to new seasonal honey selections and pick-up options.
Introducing our newest raw honey product: the 2023 Seasonal Honey Selection. It offers the unique opportunity to pre-order three or five honey jars, each capturing the diverse landscape of our organic farm in Michigan. From pale, early-season honeys to rich, late-season ambers, experience the full spectrum of nature’s nectar. Limited supply, pre-order only.
The 2023 Farmers Market Season brings big changes, with a trimmed schedule and new pickup options. Only one market per month is scheduled, but customers can now pick up orders at the farm, in Delton, and in select townships. While some markets are missed, flexible pickup and online orders aim to accommodate customers and the farm’s needs.
The Jennings family, deeply rooted in sports and farming, has a strong connection to basketball and organic grain farming. Papa Jennings’ love for basketball, coaching, and organic farming has left a lasting impact on his family. The farm’s transition to USDA Certified Organic and the tradition of sending organic grains to Archie and Mattie’s daughter helped sow the seeds for Firefly Fields.
The writer describes a lifelong connection to big, strong trees, particularly a remarkable mulberry tree on their farm. Despite growing over concrete, the tree thrives, drawing sustenance from the atmosphere. The author feels drawn to the tree, finding stillness and introspection in its presence, which inspires a sense of internal peace and reflection.
‘HoYo’ Honey Yogurt Cake. If it’s not already a thing – it should be. Since we’ve started making our own...