Certified organic spelt, buckwheat, yellow corn, and soft red wheat make up this year’s small grain harvest on the farm. We’re delighted to share with you these delicious flavors from our family’s farm directly to your kitchen. We freshly mill these nutrient rich, organic whole grains on a 110 year old stone burr mill, my dad recovered in a dilapidated mill back in his homeland of West Virginia. The mill is from a time when local community’s had small grainery’s and people were able to get their flours directly from the stone. My dad likes to think that it used to run corn mash for making ‘shine’ starting back in the Prohibition Era. Now, we use the mill for grinding delicious grains from our farm for your bakes. Read on for more about this year’s small grains.

Starting with arguably this year’s most anticipated and revered whole grain (that’s actually not a grain at all), BUCKWHEAT. This is a family favorite with deep roots and love that connect us back to our father’s (Archie Jennings) roots in West Virginia, Home of the Preston County Buckwheat Festival that started October 13, 1938. There so much to say about these small berries related to rhubarb and sorrel, but we’re working on keeping things brief. It has ancient roots in China and throughout Asia, and can simply be served as an alternative to rice or made into porridge. We LOVE it in the form of breakfast buckwheat cakes made on cast-iron, something of a religious commitment to the Archman as he’s had one for breakfast every day over the last 15 years! Buckwheat has so much good going for it in the nutrition category that it’s often referred to as the grain that’s good for your cardiovascular system. Shop Certified Organic Buckwheat Flour

Next up is spelt, wheat’s ‘husky’ cousin that has been cultivated by farmer’s since the Bronze Age. Friends, it’s flat out delicious – nutty, rich in flavor and a dependable flour for making bread, noodles, and other meaty carbs. Industrialization husked this grain out of commercial production because it requires more steps to process (it must be dehulled and dehusked) than modern day wheat thanks to its protective hull and casing. However, this ancient grain’s extra effort is worth it. Besides all the yum, it’s a great source of dietary fiber, protein (more than wheat) as well as vitamins and minerals. In addition, unlike wheat gluten, spelt gluten is more water-soluble, which means it is easier for the body to digest. We can’t wait to get this into your pantry. Shop Certified Organic Spelt Flour and Spelt Berries

Soft, Red Wheat
Since we’re on the topic of wheat, let’s get to our straight-up delicious soft red wheat and all-purpose flour. Lighter and loftier than spelt and other harder wheats, this soft red whole grain is also a great rice alternative, but we think it shines in muffins and banana breads! Fans have shared feedback that it makes a killer sourdough bread starter, and it’s great when mixed half and half with a harder wheat for a bread dough. Keep in mind, it has a lower gluten and protein content making it lean toward bakers striving for soft pastries and pan breads. As with all red wheat, soft red winter wheat is an excellent source of protein with approximately 17 grams per cup. Home bakers opening a bag of the freshly ground flour have been known to say, ‘WOW! I didn’t know how fresh and flavorful a flour could smell!’ Don’t forget to use this in your pie crust’s this fall! Tis the season for making pie, y’all! Shop Certified Organic Soft Red Whole Wheat Flour and Wheat Berries

Yellow Maize
Yellow Maize, also known as yellow corn, may have older roots connected to people than any of the other grains we grew this year. It’s believed the ancient peoples of Mexico used this first approximately 10,000 years ago! Corn is a healthy treat for us all and staple food to many people all over the world because it’s an excellent source of fiber and protein, while being also lower in fat and salt. Did you know a single ear of corn can contain up to 400 kernels? Freshly harvested and milled yellow corn offers flavors of almond and sugar. You’ll love our freshly ground corn flour in polenta, tortillas, cornbread, and as an add on to your morning griddle cakes. Fresh yellow corn flour cannot be beat! Shop Certified Organic Yellow Cornmeal

When it comes to farming, we couldn’t be happier with 2020’s fruitful harvest. Many of you following along, know that 2019 was tough. Because of all the exceptional rains in the spring and throughout early summer for the first time in 40 years we were unable to plant any corn or beans. This harvest is all the sweeter knowing we’re able to share these flavors from our land and hard work together with you! Enjoy!

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