‘Oops, We Did It Again!’ On January 15, 2022 Firefly Fields SOLD OUT of honey – for the second year in a row! Despite tripling our apiary and honey production in 2021, demand has continued to soar. So here we are again, offering Honey Pre-Orders for the second year in row of Firefly’s extraordinary bee nectar. It’s a little different than last year, so make sure to read to the end. We’re also happy to share, our prices are the same!

Most of you know, we’re not a huge operation producing thousands of pounds of honey. Instead, we focus on pure, high-quality varietal honey. It’s a quality vs. quantity proposition, and we choose to focus on EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY over excessive quantity. Over the last two years, we have seen increased demand for our unique varietal honeys. People are often intrigued by the distinct colors and flavors of honey that those amazing honeybees can make from just a single farm!
Unique Honeys All from the Farm

Because we are a Certified Organic farm and focus on regenerative agricultural systems, we have a ton of habitat and forage for the honeybees to thrive on. This comes in the form of many cover crops, fence rows, and wild areas that create places for honeybees to work, travel, and socialize. Simply put, our farm provides a foundation for honeybees to be safe and productive. That gives our farm the Bee Friendly Certified distinction, and the bonus is that we never have to move our honeybees off the farm to find varietal flavors!
We truly pride ourselves on capturing specific moments and flavors in time when we bottle our honey. Traditional honey operations might extract and bottle their honey during a single push, which results in a single type of honey that is just a big mashup of honey from nectar sources throughout the year. We feel this is a little like getting a book with only the last chapter in it…you know how it ends but you cannot shake the feeling that there is a whole lot of the story that you missed. Firefly Fields is here to fill in the gaps.

By collecting honey at a higher frequency throughout the year, we can identify what blooms bees were foraging on leading up to and through different micro-flows during the season. This has a couple of major benefits.
First, by collecting honey during specific micro-flows, we can produce a varietal honey that is pure and reflects a specific taste from the farm. You like that sweet clover honey with an apple-pie flavor on your tongue? Or maybe you are a buckwheat honey lover, chasing that rich malty and earthy taste? You can bet honey from Firefly Fields is going to deliver big on flavor.

The second benefit of high-frequency collection is that this provides a wealth of information and opportunity to monitor the hive throughout the year. It is undeniable that honeybees today face a gauntlet of trials and tribulations. Good beekeepers think first about the health of their hives, honey is just an added benefit. High-frequency collection allows us to monitor for any changes in the hive and document how colonies are responding to conditions throughout the year.
Tracking foraging patterns, monitoring hives, bottling honey during micro-flows, and grading out honey varietal flavors requires a lot of time and attention. Our process makes us kind of niche, but we believe this is something were you get out what you put in. We put in a lot of extra effort, but once you have tried our honey there is no denying that our honey is extra special.

The Honey Buyers Club 2.0 (2022)
What is Firefly Honey Buyers Club?
Last year (2021), Ben and I received our first ever, honey ‘Pre-Orders.’ We took in 52 Pre-ORDERS, and it was Crazy, AWESOME! This year (2022), we’ve made a few adjustments to pre-orders, and have a couple new ideas we’ll be rolling out over the next few months.
For 2022, anyone who pre-orders honey will get the following perks!
- Once the first honey is bottled, you will be added to ‘the list’ to receive the season’s first honey in 2022. We will mail and/or deliver it to your door! Your name is added to ‘the list’ in the order in which your purchase was received. We already have some names on the list, patiently waiting for honey.
- Besides the honey that you order, Virginia and Ben want to provide you with exclusive content each month (e.g., letters, video, pictures) detailing various aspects about beekeeping tips, stories from the farm, honey tasting, and some special recipes. This is an inside look at our process to see how we do things!
How to Become a Member in 2022
We want to keep things as simple as possible for everyone, so we have broken things down into steps. To become a member of the Firefly Honey Buyers Club:
- Pre-order your honey online (e.g. raw honey, bee butter, comb honey, or Queen Bee’s Stash) before the first honey flow (sometime likely in June, bee and weather dependent).
- Once you order, your name will go on an email and mailing list to receive exclusive honey bee and honey related content each month. We’ll keep you posted on hive developments here.
- Support our goals and vision for developing healthy, happy honey bees and pollinator habitat on our farm by sharing this offer with a friend or two.
- Enjoy Firefly Fields 2022’s fresh honey delivered to your door!

We expect there may be some questions. WONDERFUL! We are here to serve you with the best honey and information directly from the farm. We do that best when you tell us what you need. Please email Virginia directly at virginia@firefly-fields.com, or find us on Facebook or Instagram and direct message us there. You can also call us at, (765) 819-2303
And just in case you are wondering, there are no minimum or maximums on your honey pre-order. The important thing is that you pre-order some honey. That’s all! Ohhhh talking about all this honey is getting me so excited. Hope you’re excited too! Together we can make the 2022 harvest sweet!
Check out the hive during the buckwheat honey flow below!
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