Bees collect flower pollen that is rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, lipids and fatty acids, enzymes, carotenoids and bioflavonoids. It has powerful antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties that strengthen the capillaries, reduce inflammation, stimulate the immune system and lower cholesterol levels naturally. Bees process and increase nutritional value of flower pollen through a fermentation process that adds honey and bee secretions to the pollen to make bee bread. In addition to preservation, the fermentation process of the pollen also renders its nutrients more available. Some proteins are broken down into amino acids, starches are metabolized into simple sugars, and vitamins become more bio-available. This product is raw, fermented, bee bread blended with unfiltered honey from the same hive hosted on 450 certified organic acres. Only minimal amounts are collected each year. Never heated | Never treated
Raw Bee Butter
Rare, fermented, bee pollen (also known as bee bread) blended with unfiltered, raw natural honey from the Jennings Family Certified Organic Farm – never heated | never treated
⅕ L, 10 OZ in Weck Tulip Jar with custom vinyl honey bee logo.
2024 Honey Now Available while supplies last! LIMITED SUPPLY.
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